High Investment To Boost etv`s Future Camouflage And Technical Printing Capacity



September 20, 2024

GESCHER, Germany, September 20, 2024

More than EUR 2,5 million was invested in a new coating stenter frame (3200 mm working width), new calender (3200 mm working width) and in a technical update of the Zimmer´s printing system (10 colors, 2850 mm working width).


As a potential new player in the military fabric printing market, we are launching a capacity of 2,800,000 running meters up from 2025.


We process weights from 25 – 650 g/m² on the printing system and print on woven fabrics, nonwovens, films, and membranes.


The new equipment boasts the latest technology in rotary screen printing.


Etv’s modernized rotary screen printer will allow the manufacturer to process a complex range of technical textiles, from lightweight fabrics e.g., for waterproof or medical applications, to heavy weights for building & construction or home textiles.

Conductive prints, smart textiles have also been developed on the new system.


“These new investment is etv’s strategic move to grow through new applications in a stagnant textile environment”.

Dirk Tunney, etv’s Managing Director, says: “These investments are hugely important for our business. “We expect noticeable new business from the second half of 2025.”


Posted: September 20, 2024


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